Decorte team meetup & CEO speech

The Decorte team recently organised a meetup in London, with the founding team gathering in our new VC's offices in Mayfair for the first time. This included a demo of the tech that we are now moving from bench testing to mass testing stage: our audio-to-health data AI will in the next few months be a reality in the daily lives of a hundred individuals.

Over dinner, our CEO Roeland gave a mini speech (some of which has been redacted for confidentiality):

One of the most important things to do, when you do what we do, is to celebrate the wins.

Because any startup, even one that isn't creating completely new technology from scratch like we are, is a David vs Goliath story.

And while it's easy to forget, every single battle we win - whether it's finishing a prototype, making a breakthrough in our tech, achieving our first end-to-end pipeline, starting a new ML branch, our budding partnership with [top 3 software company], the fundraise we concluded just some weeks ago [yet to be officially announced] - each one is actually a battle won against overwhelming odds. And that needs to be celebrated.

Every single one was overwhelmingly unlikely to happen. And nevertheless we made it happen. And we are continuing to make it happen, even at a time when the rest of the startup world is grinding to a halt, we are, in fact, growing.

With our technology we are genuinely at the start of something that could impact the world in ways that, I think it's fair to say, even we can't fully foresee or understand yet. Though many startups claim something like that as a marketing line, for us it's actually true!

Throughout it all, while building something so radically new, we need to continuously rely and build on each other. We ourselves are the giants on whose shoulders we stand. We make it possible for each other. We couldn't have done it without each other.

So, to DFI, to creating awesomely impactful technology, and most importantly, to the team!


Decorte <> Citi Bank / Thena Capital, panel and CEO interview on “pivoting”


FitTech interview: why audio-based AI is a quantum leap for health data